The weather was in our favour this year and with an excellent turnout of walkers to support our ramble. Thirty seven walkers set off from the Old White Beare to undertake a circuit of the village. As we passed through the site of the Wheel 'Ole, Mary showed old photos of the building and gave a short history relating to its usage. Suitably invigorated, the assembled throng returned to the hall, where soup, alongside various cakes, was served. This was then followed by a communal sing with musical accompaniment courtesy of Ken and Sandie with Jim on his guitar. Everyone entered into the spirit of the event which was thoroughly enjoyed by all those present. However, an extra thank you must be given to the sterling work done by the Woodside Workers who manned the kitchen so ably.
Saturday 19th October - Fungi Walk
What a glorious autumn day it was for our annual fungi foray. Our group of twenty met our leaders, John Gavaghan and Nick Kirby, at the top of Sowden Lane in Norwood Green to commence our foray. We were also joined by two eagle-eyed youngsters who proved extremely adept at locating a range of finds to challenge our experts. The lane itself provided much to discuss before we even reached the woods. We listed in excess of twenty-five species over the course of our foray, two of which were new to John these being golden scalycap and trumpet chanterelle. Amongst our other finds were peeling oysterling, porcelain fungus, sheathed woodtuft, shaggy scalycap, hebeloma, fly agaric, ochre brittlegill and a range of brackets and crusts. The woods looked beautiful in the autumn sunshine showing off the changing colours of the trees to perfection. It was agreed by all that it had been an immensely satisfying few hours with much having been learnt about the fascinating world of this much under-appreciated and misunderstood facet of our natural world.
Friday 6th September 2024 - Bat Walk
Our walk this year followed on from a beautiful sunny afternoon which boded well for a good showing of bats and we weren't disappointed. Ian Butterfield gave us a new presentation to an assembled audience of over fifty participants. It was wonderful to have such a good turnout and even more rewarding to see so many enthusiastic youngsters amongst this number who joined in with Ian game of Bat and Moth. We then assembled to commence our walk with Ian distributing his bat detectors so that these could be tuned into the appropriate frequency for detecting particular species. Our walk took us into the woods through the Meadway entrance and as we worked our way around our route, we were rewarded at various points with good sightings of noctule and both pipistrelle and soprano pipistrelle bats. These produced gasps of delight from all, particularly as some of these 'fly-pasts' were low! Towards the end of our walk one of our eagle-eyed youngsters spotted a toad on the pathway, which was moved to the safety of some leaf litter. An excellent evening particularly as the weather conditions were in our favour for once.
Pre Bat walk presentation
Thursday 16th May - Walk to Lightcliffe Tea Rooms
Although rain was forecast, we were lucky, enjoying a fine spring walk through the fields leading from Norwood Green up to Lightcliffe. We had an excellent turnout with twelve participants who were keen to be tempted by the delicious cakes and scones that Lightclifffe Tea Rooms had to offer. Eileen and Peter met us at our destination and it was good to catch up with them both. The spring flora was out in all its glory with the cow parsley and buttercups providing an eye-catching combination. Our return route took us through Priestley Green where we caught sight of the local beekeeper's hives and admired the horses as we headed back towards our starting point. Our thanks to Carolyn and staff for making us so welcome. Such prompt service and with so many mouth watering treats to choose from that I am sure it will not be long before a return visit is called for.
Saturday 27th April 2.00pm - Walk with an Ecologist
It was a fine afternoon as twenty of us, plus one youngster, gathered for our ecology walk with Nick Kirby. It was evident from the start that Nick had much to impart from the studies he had undertaken at university and more recently from his extensive work in data collection. Seeing our woods through a fresh pair of eyes with new ideas is always a treat and we were not disappointed as he regaled us with some fascinating facts relating to the woodland habitat. Sadly the stillness of the afternoon was disturbed by three trail bikes, a troublesome nuisance that we seem unable to deter. No matter Nick patiently dealt with all our questions giving us all much useful information on the relationship between our ecosystem and the management that we as a group undertake. It was a fascinating couple of hours which went all too quickly.
The woods look very different to 2004 when our NVC (National Vegetation Classification) was done. We've lost so many trees to gales and infestations.
Who knew you could clean your hands using horse chestnut leaves? Nick did!
A mini seminar on the different grasses to be found in the field above Judy's Cottage
Nick pointed out this tiny Chicken of the Woods fungi on one the oaks just by the Station Road gate. Something to watch out for in coming months.
Thursday 11th April 7.00pm - Annual General Meeting
All officers were re-elected. Sheila Lum was thanked for her contribution as she stepped down from the committee.
After the business part of the meeting our deputy chair Denis Waudby gave a presentation "Nettle Silk – a Journey from Judy Woods"
Saturday 16th March 1.30pm - 3 Js Walk
Had to be cancelled due to heavy mud and waterlogged ground. Sorry!
Wednesday 27th December 2023 Winter Walk and Warble
A change of plan - this year we used the Norwood Green Community Hall as our base - and instead of tramping through our own soggy woods, we settled for Rookes or Bobby Wood in Norwood Green, which was marginally less muddy. Incredibly, the persistent rain stopped briefly and allowed us to enjoy a short outing to walk off the excess of Christmas and leave space for the delights on offer back at the hall. Thanks to Sally for leading the walk, Ken and Sandie for supplying the music, Ailie for the video encore of the last year's Mummers Play and our Judy's Foodies gang who made another appearance in the kitchen and had five star ratings for the fare on offer. And not forgetting the massed choir who joined in the carols.
The perfect antidote to a wet and windy day!
Saturday 7th October 2023 Fungi Walk
It was a beautiful autumnal afternoon as we commenced our annual foray. Our two experts for this event were John Gavaghan and Nick Kirby who were both kept busy by an enthusiastic group of nineteen adults and four children keen to learn about the treasures that our woods contain. There was plenty to find as we made our way towards Judy Bridge and the children were all enthusiastic hunters for any evidence of newly emerged fungi. A mass of honey fungus was found at the base of one of our dead trees, with the usual suspects of beech jelly ear, birch polypore and turkey tail found on the numerous logs that litter the undergrowth. The fly agarics had yet to fully emerge but common earthballs seemed to be in plentiful supply. From the bridge we climbed the 99 steps returning through the top field and back down the ravine path to emerge back on Station Road. In total we saw 24 species, which provided sufficient interest for all our participants. Many thanks must go to John and Nick for their expertise in identifying all of those 24.
Friday 8th September 2023 - Bat Walk
On a very warm and balmy summer evening the power of social media and a late announcement to the pupils at the local primary school produced an amazing turnout of 49 adults and 27 children. There could however have been more as there were so many it was difficult to keep count although Angela did her best! Additional chairs were sought for Ian Butterfield's introductory talk which gave everyone an overview of the bats' feeding habits, how they locate their food source and favourite roost locations. After the talk Ian led us into the woods as dusk was beginning to fall, suitably armed with bat detectors, so we could pick up the echo locations of the bats. There was much fun to be had by the children with their torches as darkness fell and then, as we stood in a clearing, we were rewarded with the sound of bats. The two species we heard were common and soprano pipistrelle which regularly roost in the dead trees in our woods. It was pleasing to have a successful result and I am sure both the children and adults learnt much about the importance of this amazing species.
Saturday 3rd June 2023 - Archaeology Walk
Denis Waudby, our vice-chairman, recently obtained his doctorate following his post-retirement studies in archaeology. So, congratulations Dr. Waudby.
Denis has been involved in excavations in various parts of the country, but he had a site ready and waiting on his own “doorstep” and directly linked with his long-term involvement with the FOJW. Over the last couple of years, he has devoted a lot of time and activity to investigating the site of “Judy’s garden”. As most of you will know Judy North and her third husband in the mid-1800s had a small-holding and refreshment area adjacent to their home just above Horse Close Bridge.
On Saturday 3rd June Denis led a walk through Low Wood to Judy’s garden. This was jointly organised by the FOJW and the CBA (Council British Archaeology). On the way he outlined the history of the woods, and the industrial work which had been carried on their in the 19th and early 20th centuries. He referred to the survey carried out for FOJW by the University of Bradford in 2004 and the QR codes produced by youngsters under the James Project (Joint Activities and Motor Education Service).
With the assistance of several members of our Practical Tasks Group Denis is working to expose the footings of Judy’s cottage and adjoining buildings. Despite careful measurements and calculations this has proved to be harder than anticipated. The profusion of brambles and other dense vegetation has certainly not helped. It is certainly “a work in progress”, but nevertheless Denis was able to show his audience the work so far carried out, including rebuilt perimeter walling, flowers grown from recently sown seeds, a new footpath and the recently planted pear tree. He also displayed a collection of artefacts, unearthed during the excavations. There were also samples of ironstone and slag. The visitors were able to see Judy and her family, and her home in the 1850s and 1860s in photographs which we hold in our archive.
So well done Denis and we look forward to all being revealed sometime soon.
Finds tray
Saturday 20th May 2023 - Peter's Walk
A longer walk than usual, first we visited a tree planted as a memorial to our first Chairman of the Friends Group, Peter Walker and then made our way to some of the places associated with him.
Our little band bravely tackled a very overgrown stretch of path where the nettles had sprung up since our recce! In fact we had to modify the route later to avoid other overgrown paths in the vicinity of Lower Wyke where Peter was a leading light at the Moravian Church. The long pull up to Scholes through the seventeen fields, where Peter had previously led us on walks was well worth it for the magnificent views, meadow full of flowers and hedgerows bursting with hawthorn blossom.
We stopped at CC's cafe in Scholes for lunch - highly recommended - do try it. Then it was all literally downhill from there towards Whitehall Road and across to Cow Close passing near the Green Acres estate where the Walker family used to live and coming out at Hobson Fold where Peter and Shirley spent their retirement. Our last stop was on the Green in Wyke where we admired the tree and stone memorial to Peter before making the welcome return to cars parked at Judy Woods.
It really was a memorable day, the sun shone for us and we thank Peter's family for sharing with us and telling us a little more about his life.
The groups sets off
Visiting Peter's tree and memorial stone on Wyke Green
Saturday 29th April 2023 - Woodside Wander
Our walks tend to start from Station Road, Wyke so it was a change to meet at the other end of the woods and set off from the Meadway entrance at Woodside. Leading us were Sue and Geoff Dunn. It was their first time as walk leaders but Sue is also a member of our Woodside practical tasks team and knows the woods well. We were only just through the gate when Sue pointed out a large clump of flowers which most of us expected to be wild garlic or ransoms. Upon closer inspection we realised this was not so and Sue and Sally told us they were few-flowered leek or snowbells. No one recalled noticing them before and Sue thought they were prone to spreading quickly, so we may need to keep an eye on them.
Thursday 27th April 2023 - Annual General Meeting
Another year.....another AGM. The Agenda was dealt with efficiently by chairman Geoff and was well attended by committee and Practical Tasks Group members. All agreed to continue with their roles. Our guest speaker was Ed Brightman Assistant Woodlands Manager who gave us an insight into his background and his thoughts on woodlands present and future.
Saturday 25th March 2023 - Springtime in Judy Woods
It was supposed to be springtime but felt more like winter. Still, we had lots to look at but couldn't agree on the number of steps, now no longer 99! How many do you think there are?
Tuesday 27th December 2022 - Seasons Greetings
After a break of four years we were back at the Harold Club for this popular event. The weather was, well let's say "inclement", and even the dancers had to perform inside. The specially formed Judy Woods Mummers had always meant to be inside. (Someone suggested they should be locked up.) At short notice we had to do our own catering - thanks for the help girls! Our carol sing was followed by a splendid selection of performances from our members and guests. Thanks to all who took part.
Should you wish to watch the Mummers Play (which comes with a warning for those of a nervous disposition) please follow this link.
Our intrepid walkers
Judy's Foodies
Ryburn Longsword did us proud
Here's the Mummers at the dress rehearsal. Rehearsal I hear you say?
Saturday 15th October - Fungi Walk
After a break of two years we were back looking for fungi with Stuart, Nick and John. And what a lot there were! Our combined lists suggest we spotted just short of fifty different types - some recorded for the first time on our walk. We had about 25 people splitting up into different groups. Our youngest members seemed to be able to spot things we older ones had missed .Perhaps it was their method of getting down on knees close and personal. Thanks to all who took part and we hope to see you next year!
Nick and John examine a specimen
A clever way to examine underneath a bracket fungi
Where to start identifying?
Common Earth ball
Friday 16th September 2022 Bat Walk
We were pleased to welcome back Ian Butterfield to lead our bat walk once again after a break due to COVID. Before setting off Ian showed us images of some of the bats we could expect to see, explained what to look out for and answered lots of questions. Our first encounter was with an owl sitting high in a tree at Park Bottoms. Daubenton's bats were much in evidence swooping down over Royds Hall dam and think this was possibly the first Judy Woods bat walk where EVERYONE saw bats.
Saturday 6th August - Judy North Commemorative Walk
It might have been delayed by two years but our walk to commemorate 150 years since the death of Judy North was well worth waiting for. We visited Holy Trinity Low Moor where she was baptised and buried and Salthorn where she died, when living with her sister. We also visited three local nature reserves for good measure:- Raw Nook, Low Moor Banks and Toad Holes. A stop at The Woodlands pub was most welcome on this hot afternoon.
The group by the pond opposite the Woodlands
Sunday 17th July 2022 - A Stroll to Judy's Garden
This was a Calderdale Heritage Walk led by Mary our FoJW secretary. On the hottest day of the year up to that point, we followed the path down from Hill End, Norwood Green towards Judy Bridge then hunted for shade in the woods. We heard of a robbery at Horse Close Bridge 300 years ago and of Judy's prosecution for Sabbath Breaking for selling a pen'orth of nuts on a Sunday! We even found the hazel nut trees she might have picked the offending objects from.
Saturday 9th July 2022 - Balsam Bash
Eleven bashed the balsam. Some of the party walked the stream looking for smaller pockets of balsam. This is a whopper!
Wednesday 4th May 1.30pm - Lightcliffe Tea Rooms walk
We never tire of walking across to the tea rooms and this year was special because Carolyn had opened especially for us! On a bright and breezy day it was good to be out and about again enjoying our surroundings. We made our way through Norwood Green and climbed the path up the Lightcliffe from Bailiffe Bridge towards old St Matthews and on to the tea rooms. Sixteen of us tucked into delicious freshly made scones and were reluctant to leave the comfort of the sofas to make our way back via Priestley Green and Norwood Green. Thank you Sally for another fine walk.
Thursday 7th April 7.00pm
2022 AGM. We've missed two AGMs due to COVID restrictions, so we had a lot of catching up to do! The business part of the meeting naturally took a bit longer than usual especially as we had to amend the constitution following discussions and suggestions from the National Lottery people following a recent application. Let's hope this helps us to be successful in our bid for a project at Judy's Garden.
After the business part of the meeting Mary Twentyman gave a short presentation on the stream system which feeds into the River Calder from our area. She focussed on the water course originating in the area around Queensbury golf course which starts off as Blackshaw or Howden Back and changes to Royds Hall/Judy Woods Beck as it emerges from under the bridge at Manorley Lane. In the past it had a very industrial nature to it and was polluted by a brewery, dyeworks, coal and iron workings before leaving the woods to encounter yet another dye works at Pickle Bridge on its way down to Bailliff Bridge and considerably more industry, before the beck enters the River Calder near the Brighouse Marina.
This was followed by a presentation by Melvyn Wood of the Calder River Trust. He gave a fascinating exploration of the river fly which could be found in the beck. Melvyn trained our team of testers and has shown them how to check the health of the beck by counting the number of specimens of eight river fly.
Saturday 2nd April 1.30pm
Springtime in Judy Woods. We were relieved to get our events programme going again and we had a good turnout for Stuart and Sally's thorough introduction to the woods in Spring. We were pleased to have BEES flower expert Alice Gingell with us - she certainly knows her stuff!
There were no events planned or held in 2021 due to COVID
Cancelled events
During the COVID pandemic we had to cancel the following events in 2020.
Saturday 4th April 1.30pm
Springtime in Judy Woods – meet Stuart Tordoff and Sally Tetlow at the Station Road entrance, off Huddersfield Road, Wyke BD12 8LA.
Thursday 16th April 7.00pm
Annual General Meeting – Seonaidh Jamieson speaker from RSPB -Wyke Methodist Church, Laverack Field, (off Towngate) Wyke, Bradford BD12 8JB.
Sunday 3rd May 2.15pm
A stroll to Judy's Garden (a Calderdale Heritage walk – a charge of £3) Meet Mary Twentyman at the War Memorial on Village Street, Norwood Green HX3 8PZ
Thursday 21st May 1.30pm
Ramble to the Lightcliffe Tea Rooms – meet Sally Tetlow at the Station Road entrance, off Huddersfield Road, Wyke, BD12 8LA (Approx 5 miles) Please remember to bring some money for your delicious refreshments.
Saturday 4th July 10.00am
Balsam Bashing – meet at the Station Road entrance, off Huddersfield Road, Wyke BD12 8LA for a morning of balsam bashing followed by lunch (See website or telephone (see bottom of leaflet) nearer the date for more details.)
Saturday 1st August 1.30pm
Commemorative Judy North walk – It's 150 years since Judy North died (the woods are named after her). We'll visit the area where she died and the place where she's buried and on the way round have a look at three local nature reserves. Meet Mary Twentyman at Aldersgate Methodist Church at the junction of Common Road, Netherlands Avenue and Cleckheaton Road BD12 0TW. (Approx 4 miles)
Friday 18th September 7.00pm
Bat Walk – meet Ian Butterfield at the Harold Club, Low Moor (junction of New Works Road/Huddersfield Road) BD12 0UD at 7pm for introductory talk before going in woods about 7.45 pm. Bar will be open from 6.45 for drinks. Tea and coffee also available.
Saturday 17th October 1.30pm
Fungi Walk – meet Varsha Patel and Sally Tetlow at the Station Road entrance, off Huddersfield Road, Wyke BD12 8LA.
Monday 28th December 1.00pm
Seasonal Winter Walk – A chance to walk off those Christmas calories - meet Sally Tetlow and Denis Waudby at the Pear Tree Inn, Station Road, Norwood Green HX3 8QD, for a woodland stroll followed by refreshments and a sing along back at the Pear Tree. (Further details will be published nearer the date)
Saturday 30th November 2019 - Wintertime in Judy Woods
Our last walk of the year took place on a fine but cold afternoon. Temperatures had plummeted the night before and ice was still present amongst the mud as our party of nine headed for the red marker route path. On our way, opportunity was taken to point out the diseased beech trees that had been identified for felling, Stuart showing us all what to look for when spotting the tell-tale signs of Phytophthora. It was very apparent then as we continued down the main access for all path how many trees had been 'red spotted' - the sign used by the Council to indicate that a tree needs to come down. The loss of so many trees will certainly have a transformative effect on our woodland.
As we continued down to Judy's Bridge, Sally reported on a recent visit to the woods by Andrew Cutts, the Assistant Woodland Manager. Andrew had found considerable evidence of mice and vole presence in Judy's field and had suggested that old varieties of fruit trees could be planted at the bottom of the field to provide windfall fruit for our four-legged friends in the autumn. Who knows, a healthy population could encourage owls to visit and feed. The red marker route was eventually reached and our party gamely tackled the muddy path to reach the stepping stones across to Jagger Park Wood. Alas we found that the tyres that had been used for this purpose had all been washed out of place by the force of the recent rains and it is now on the list of 'jobs to do' by the Practical Task Group once the level of water in the beck has subsided. Our walk continued up the hill and then followed the top path back towards our original starting point. An exhilarating walk on a cold day in good company - what more could one ask for.
Watch out for the dread red spot - means these trees days are numbered!
Saturday 12th October 2019 - Fungi Walk
We welcomed Varsha Patel to our annual fungus foray on what turned out to be a very pleasant, dry day. Our group of 15 plus one little one started off our search from the Station Road end and over the course of the afternoon Varsha was called from one find to another as our eagle eyed hunters spotted increasing numbers of fungi. Questions were posed and answered willingly by Varsha, who provided us with a wealth of information on the mysterious world of fungi. We spotted our usual suspects of fly agaric (a fine specimen), dead man's fingers, candlesnuff, bracket fungus, fairy bonnets, honey fungus and slime mould. Excellent examples of pestle puffballs were noted and some porcelain fungus was seen growing on the branch of a decaying tree. A star find was a stinkhorn egg which was an intriguing addition to our list. All in all a very productive afternoon, thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Purple Jelly
Dead Man's Fingers
Slime Mould
Friday 13th September 2019 - Bat Walk
A clear sky and a full moon heralded the start of our annual bat walk - perfect conditions for bats as there was no wind. We met at the Harold Club for an informative talk from Ian Butterfield on the different species of bats present in our area and were given good details of how they locate, collect and feed on their prey - moths, midges and other night flying insects. Following this we assembled outside and made our way towards Park Dam, Twentythree adults and four children making up our group. The children were delighted to be given the bat detectors to hold and having set them to the correct frequency pipistrelles were the first species to be both seen and heard. Continuing onto the dam, Daubenton's bats were present in large numbers over the water and time was spent watching them as they hurtled about just over our heads. Our walk them took us into the woods, returning via High Fernley and the main road. On our way we also detected the presence of noctule bats which was a welcome addition to our list. One of our younger members also kindly rescued a toad from the middle of the road, placing it carefully on the grass verge thus saving it from a possibly painful end. An excellent evening made all the more productive by the calm weather conditions.
Wednesday 28th August 2019 - Tea Shop Walk
This was a departure from our usual routine - a walk which didn't start from Judy Woods, but it did include a visit to a tea shop. Instead we met at the Duke of York pub at Stone Chair, Shelf and followed some paths and leafy lanes which were new to most of the walkers, through parts of Northowram and Shelf. We had some fantastic long distance views and finished at Robinson's Tea Room on Score Hill which we can throughly recommend.
Saturday 20th July 2019 - Summertime in Judy Woods
A sunny afternoon, free of rain showers, saw eight participants enjoy a walk through Royds Hall Great Wood heading for Jagger Park Wood. Enchanter's nightshade was much in evidence along the main path and again within the wildflower garden by Judy's cottage, along with numerous other plants that have obviously thrived in this year's growing conditions. Crossing the beck was made much easier by the work put in by the PTG creating a safe means of passage over the water (old tyres filled with stones) and a series of well laid steps into the wood itself. Approaching the top of the wood where the trees thin out there were butterflies in abundance - ringlets, meadow browns and small skippers - obviously enjoying the sunny weather. Here Stuart drew our attention to a pair of trees seemingly growing as one - a mountain ash and Swedish whitebeam - both bearing berries. Our walk then continued through the fields, down through High Bentley and passed Jaque Royd. As we progressed down the lane an impressive bull on one side of the field and a herd of bullocks on the other were eyeing each other up - fortunately walls and fences separated us! The final leg of our journey took us down Sowden Lane and back through to Station Road. An enjoyable walk on a beautiful summer afternoon.
Saturday 29th June 2019 - Balsam Bash
What a line up! Fifteen volunteers and a dog turned up to do battle with the balsam.
We think we must be winning as there was definitely less of the pink pest in the usual places. We tackled some tricky slopes above the beck and although there were some wet feet (and knees) no one came to harm. See the steely determination to outwit the enemy. The balsam shivers as it knows there is no escape.
A well earned drink and a tasty pasty at the Olde White Beare rounded off proceedings nicely. Thank you to everyone who turned up (some after the group photo was taken.)
Wednesday 22nd May 2019 - Ramble to Lightcliffe Tea Rooms
A beautiful sunny afternoon saw our party of seven head off through Norwood Green for the tea rooms at Lightcliffe. The cow parsley was in full flower everywhere and gave a wonderful, frothy white effect to all the fields and hedgerows. We were warmly greeted on arrival at our destination and once replete, we headed back on an alternative route via Priestley Green. This made a wonderful circular walk, our final stage taking in one rather large, lush field with only three horses as residents. Lucky them! Then one finally push up the hill back into Norwood Green and our afternoon ramble brought us back to our starting point. What a delightful way to spend a sunny afternoon.
Saturday 6th April 2019 - Springtime in Judy Woods
Our first walk of the year took place on a beautiful spring afternoon. Fifteen of us, including a very young walker, wandered through the woods noting the emerging signs of the season. Even before the walk started a nuthatch was seen in the trees at the entrance to the woods and as we passed over the stile on Station Road, a large patch of wood anemones were spotted with more being seen on our journey through the wood. Beech leaves were just starting to unfurl and a buzzard was noted flying overhead. Chiffchaffs were heard calling, as well as great tits and a robin was also seen.
We were delighted to note that bluebells were just coming into flower but the celandines were already putting on a show with their beautiful yellow flowers. A delightful walk, thoroughly enjoyed by all with our woods showing spring in its full glory.
Thursday 11th April 2019 - Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 11th April and was attended by around 20 people, mainly comprising members of the committee and the Practical Tasks Group. Prior to the business we had a PowerPoint show of the PTG activities and walks in 2018. The AGM itself went well and it was an amicable occasion, reflecting the enthusiasm and the achievements of the group. We gratefully acknowledged the receipt of another anonymous £100 donation from a member, and a grant of £500 from the BVCS (Bradford Voluntary Community sector). The money will be spent on equipment and protective clothing. There was just one change of role - Julie Parkinson and Brian Langdale have swapped places and Brian is now co-ordinator of the PTG with Julie as the deputy.
Our guest speaker was Seonaidh Jamieson who we worked with on the Clifton Beck project during the last two years. Seonaidh still works part-time for the Calderdale river project, but her main work now is with the RSPB. During a fascinating presentation she explained about her current work around the flood plains of the River Hull in East Yorkshire.
Saturday 29th December - Seasons Greetings
Can this really be our 17th Seasons Greetings? Well actually yes, it can be. And if you'd seen the slide show of photos of past events you would have seen us all ageing before your very eyes.
About 80 people took up the challenge of this years walk and were rewarded with sunshine and a brisk breeze. This tree in Old Hanna Wood with a huge burl which looked like two bears fighting each other caused lots of interest.
If you go down in the woods today there's people there in disguise.....
Thieving Magpie were on the top of their form this year and encouraged mass audience participation.
At the end of their performance featuring the Battle of Trafalgar, Bradshaw Mummers confounded folk lore purists, with a rousing chorus of "We're riding along on the crest of a wave."
Hail Smiling Morn proved as popular as ever, as more and more people have become familiar with the words
Saturday 1st December 2018 - Wintertime in Judy Woods Walk
Our final walk of the year took place on a particularly miserable day weatherwise. Rain greeted the start as our loyal group of 7 PTG members, suitably attired in wet-weather gear, headed for the stile at the Station Road entrance to the woods.
Here a large beech had been recently felled by the Council and as a consequence had opened up the view dramatically. The beck was flowing strongly and we noted that there were still a number of survivors amongst the trees planted on the embankment by the Clifton Beck Project team. With the woods now looking bare after a late autumn, it was good to have a close look at the landscape, observe the contours of the land and reflect on the history of the woods that had resulted in what we see today. Fungi were still in evidence, albeit much degraded, apart from that on the fallen trees which produced the best samples for us today. As we approached the steps down to Judy Bridge we were delighted to see a brambling flying then stop to search for food amongst the leaf litter.
Our walk then took us on the red marker route to the point where it joins Mary's Walk. where we then followed the main path through Royds Hall Great Wood to return to our start point. On our way we came across what had been a 'stick man' event run that afternoon for families. This appeared to have been well supported. Not the only ones to brave the wet conditions then!
Saturday 13th October 2018 - Fungi Walk
Over twenty people attended our annual foray, once again ably led by Varsha Patel. Our hopes were not high for a productive afternoon following what had been a long, hot summer but a turn in the weather to warm and wet conditions dispelled our fears and we had one of the best forays in years. Over thirty species were identified over the course of the afternoon. The fly agaric were particularly plentiful this year and in excellent condition. Dead man's fingers were an early find, along with sulphur tufts, penny buns, puffballs, jelly ear and some good examples of porcelain fungus. Death caps were also in evidence. Varsha was particularly pleased to find hen of the woods. Chicken of the woods had been photographed earlier in the season by Brian from the PTG. Our thanks to those who attended for the excellent finds they made and to Varsha for her patience in explaining the different species to us.
Death Cap
Porcelain Fungus
Fly Agaric
Oyster Fungus
Friday 14th September - Bat Walk
A calm, still evening was what we wished for and luckily for us, what we got for our annual bat event. A record turnout of 26 people joined us at the Harold Club to hear Ian Butterfield give a short talk and slide presentation which proved extremely informative. Hot soup was enjoyed by many before we crossed the main road and headed up towards Park Dam. Bat detectors had been distributed amongst our group and these soon picked up evidence of bat activity. Plenty of Daubenton's bats were seen flying over the dam and in all, throughout the course of our walk, we identified 3 other species - pipistrelle, soprano pipistrelle and noctule bats. Sightings were again noted as we left the Park Dam path beneath the trees and across the adjacent field. A quick trip down to Judy Bridge produced no evidence of activity so the group continued up High Fernley and back down the main road to the Harold Club. An excellent evening enjoyed by all.
"Next time bring some grub!"
Wednesday 29th August - Ramble to Lightcliffe Tea Rooms
Unlike last year, we were blessed with a fine day for our walk up to Lightcliffe Tea Rooms. A group of 14 strode off across the fields to our destination where we were warmly welcomed, the majority of us sampling the treats on offer. A return journey was undertaken via Priestley and Norwood Green rounding off a pleasant afternoon's ramble, made all the more interesting when we came across a local bee-keeper who had been tending his hives.
Good company.
This is my best side.
Saturday 28th July 2018 - Summertime in Judy Woods
Sally and Stuart took us on the same route through the woods as we had followed on the winter and springtime walks and we checked that we had correctly identified trees from their winter twigs and burgeoning spring leaves. We looked out for flowers, ferns and grasses and listened for bird song. Stuart is getting a dab hand at recognising the song of the nuthatch, but as we keep asking him, "What's that bird?" it seems the rest of us are not.
The two photos, one from near the beginning, and the other near the end of the walk, were separated by a spectacular downpour where we got absolutely wet through and had to omit one part of the route down Snoddy Mountain for fear of slipping
Sally and Stuart trying to work out what had damaged the leaves on this beech tree
They may look like weeds, but Sally and Alice counted 29 varieties of wild flowers in the patch of Judy's garden where Linda has been tending them carefully in this drought.
Saturday 30th June 2018 - Balsam Bashing
Years of bashing this baddie are finally bringing results. Thanks to all who came to help on a sweltering hot day.
Oh Joy! What a whopper!
Some of the crew enjoying lunch at the Pear Tree afterwards.
Thursday 19th April 2018 – Annual General Meeting
Who says AGM’s can’t be interesting? At ours, the formalities are cut to a minimum. In his report, our chair, Geoff Twentyman reminded us of what we’ve been up to over the past twelve months and our treasurer Stuart Tordoff took us swiftly through the accounts noting, that our finances are healthy. Our committee was re-elected on block with the addition of new member Brian who has already attended meetings to see what goes on. With the exception of one post ,all our officers agreed to continue. Alan our very able Practical Tasks Group organiser, has stepped down after several years and Julie will taking over in May. Alan has built up the group into a hard-working team capable of tackling a wide variety of tasks around the woods. His organisational and reporting skills have been much appreciated and it is a tribute to Alan that we now have a large pool of people who turn up regularly on a Wednesday. The presentation to Alan choreographed by Stuart and Ian was a delight – and Alan too was delighted with his gifts.
After the formal part of the meeting we were treated to an excellent “getting to know you” presentation by Andrew Cutts, the new Assistant Tree and Woodland Manager at Bradford Council. We learned a little about Andrew himself, his working background and some of things he feels passionately about.
Have a look at what you missed at
Saturday 14th April 2018 - Springtime in Judy Woods
Stuart and Sally led our first walk of the season which took place on a fine, sunny afternoon and attracted a record number of 25 attendees with 3 children amongst their midst. The aim of the walk was to record the first signs of spring in the woods and we were rewarded with some beautiful groups of wood anemones at various points as well as celandines glowing in the welcome sunshine. Catkins were seen on the willows and hazel and both the ash and elm were in flower. Wild strawberry in flower was also seen by the side of the steps down to Judy's Bridge. Fungi were spotted notably jelly fungus, curtain crust and ganoderma. The good weather even enabled us to walk on the red marker path to see the wood's Scots pine (we have 6 in total). These are best seen before the leaves appear on the broadleaf trees otherwise they become lost in the canopy.
We thought the cold, damp winter might have put paid to our chances of seeing bluebells in flower but 2 were eventually seen at the end of the walk on the perimeter path! It was a fitting finish to a lovely walk.
Saturday 30th December 2017 - Season's Greetings.
This is getting to be a habit! It was cold, it was damp, there was mud - but did it deter the Friends of Judy Woods? It did not.
Happily ensconced at our new venue the Harold Club proceedings began with food and a drink and just, well just continued in that vein all afternoon. Although between 60 and 70 people followed our leader, Mary, along Woodside Road, Carr House Gate and High Fernley Road until we eventually reached the mud and the woods.
"Now pay attention..."
High Fernley Hall where we heard all about Beever Baht 'Ead
A rest at the bridge
It's what we call "sloppy" coming up toward Horse Close Cottages
Back at the Harold Club the hardy members of Thieving Magpie bashed their sticks and strutted their stuff - and very good it was too.
The less hardy members of the Bradshaw Mummers retired inside for their performance - where it was a much more comfortable place to die. Poor old Robin Hood fell victim to the hirsute Prioress of Kirkless again (You'd think he'd learn).
This was rounded off by communal carol singing and "turns" from the assembled company. All this was supplemented by a gigantic slide show of fifteen year's worth of Seasons Greetings events which seemed to delight some of the party and embarrass others.
No doubt we'll do it all again next year!
Saturday 7th October 2017 - Fungi Walk
A rather damp day - both underfoot and with bits of drizzle, but it didn't dampen our enthusiasm.
Stuart and Varsha led us through Doctor Wood and into Low Wood where specimens abounded.
A Sulpher Tuft
Varsha finds a perfect specimen of Fly Agaric
We were all very impressed
Friday 8th September - Bat Walk
A change of format for our annual bat night proved highly successful and our 16 participants were well rewarded on their evening ramble into the woods. Ian Butterfield started the event by presenting an illustrated talk in the Harold Club and from there we walked up towards Park Dam where we picked up immediately, on our bat detectors, the sounds of noctule bats - one of the first to emerge in an evening. There were also good sightings of them flying around the trees by the dam. Things only got better as we progressed on our walk down to Judy's Bridge and we managed to identify 3 further species - pipistrelle, soprano pipistrelle and Daubenton's, the latter being present around the stream by the bridge. Bats seemed to be everywhere and sounds and sightings occurred continuously throughout the duration of our walk. An excellent evening thoroughly enjoyed by all.
A bat
Saturday 5th August 2017 Summer Tree Identification Walk
We were leased to have colleagues from the Clifton Beck Project with us on the walk. As well as identifying trees we assessed the impact our balsam pulling has had over the years of the area of the Scout Field which is now almost free of the beast.
Wednesday 28th June 2017 - Ramble to Lightcliffe Tea Rooms
Our team room ramble day started with pouring rain and the 7 hardy souls who turned up wondered whether we should go ahead. However being made of sterner stuff, the view was taken that we should continue and so we headed for our destination of Lightcliffe Tea Rooms where the proprietors greeted us warmly. After partaking of their splendid cakes and scones, we left for home (still in the pouring rain!), our numbers now rather depleted as one caught the bus and two headed for home in their car. Those who made it back to Station Road by foot were well and truly soaked through. A heartfelt thanks to all of you who turned out in such dreadful conditions.
Saturday 17th June 2017 - Balsam Bash
Our "Wanted Dead not Alive" challenge attracted 16 people who set about ridding the stream side of that dastardly rascal Impatiens glandulifera alias Himalayan Balsam. It was a very hot and sultry day and the reward of a free lunch at the Pear Tree in Norwood Green was taken up by some of our helpers, who toasted his demise with glee. Thanks to all who took part.
Saturday 20th May 2017 - Wildflower Walk
Unfortunately our annual wild flower walk was hit by the weather and there were only six participants when we started. As the rain increased the numbers gradually decreased and only three returned to the starting point. We are greatly indebted to Alice Gingell for once again educating us in various aspects of botany - this year the accent was on ferns - and for being so enthusiastic in spite of the awful weather. The day did have a very positive outcome when one of the participants, Catherine, joined our Practical Tasks Group!
Wednesday 19th April 2017 - Ramble to the pits at Jagger Park Wood
We made a detour from our usual route through Jagger Park Wood to view the three pits left by the Low Moor Company's mining of coal and ironstone in the later part of the 19th century. The site of the pits had been surveyed as part of our Roots of Judy Woods project in 2004 and much interest was shown by our walkers as Denis explained what had been found.
We then continued across the fields and into Green Lane past Jacque Roy and made our way back into the woods using Sowden Lane. Thanks Stuart for a varied walk full of interesting snippets of information.
Friday 7th April 2017 - Annual General Meeting
After the business part of the meeting, when all our officers were re-elected, Seonaidh Jamieson, of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust gave us a presentation about "the Clifton Beck Project".
For details of the area covered please see
The Friends will be supporting this project as Royds Hall Beck which flows through the woods is part of the Clifton Beck system. Some members are to undergo training for the Riverfly monitoring scheme and in June friend from Clifton Beck will be helping us with our Balsam Bash - see Events and News page.
Tuesday 27th December 2016 - Seasons Greetings
It looks like we've found a new home for this event at the Harold Club. Thanks to Chris and team for making us so welcome! It was slightly surreal to find ourselves sitting on patio furniture in the sunshine enjoying chilli or pie and peas in December.
Around 140 folks joined the walk up past Royds Hall Dam and down Royds Hall Lane towards Horse Close Cottages and the woods.
The Thieving Magpies seemed to be in a very aggressive mood this year and treated us to some splendid bashing of sticks and nifty footwork.
The Bradshaw Mummers continued their fine tradition of mystifying us with their plots and lots of cross dressing. This year it was the turn of the Witchfinder General to be the baddie and he eventually met his comeuppance by meeting the devil. Splendid stuff.
Bras at dawn.
Watt the Devil?
Once inside, the Harold Club lounge provided us with space for all to sit down and enjoy a pint or two (or three, or four....) and join in the carol singing. Then followed a general sing around with items from Ruth and Sadie Price, The Bromley Family and the massed voices of the Mummers and friends.
Saturday 22nd October 2016 - Fungi Walk
A large group with a big age range followed Varsha and Stuart into Doctor Wood. It was eyes down and see what's at your feet. Our younger members were especially useful in searching out fungi in unexpected spots.
The council's policy of leaving felled boughs of trees to rot, is proving to be a good place to look for all types of fungi.
Here's Varsha with one of the earth balls we found.
Friday 2nd September 2016 - Bat Walk
Panic - Ian Butterfield was double booked but Mary stepped in and gave a slide show and quiz! As usual the event attracted new people and we had eighteen, including some families. Despite the quiz being about what we had seen and heard, no team got all the answers right. Sally, Rose, Denise and Paddy got the most correct answers. Ian had managed to get some bat detectors to us and as usual the 7 youngsters heard (and saw) more than us older ones!
Sunday 7th August 2016 - A stroll to Judy's Gardens
Although part of the Calderdale Heritage Walks programme, many of The Friends came on Mary's "Stroll to Judy's Gardens." We approached the woods from the war memorial in Norwood Green using the path down past Greenroyd. Once we had crossed the field, unexpectedly full of cows, calves, a bull and three shire horses, and got everyone through the "squeeze" stile, we were able to relax and enjoy our stroll. Mary explained that in Judy's time, and up until the early years of last century, the woods were private property and there would have been no access from Station Road. To visit Judy's Gardens visitors would have had to use the lanes or paths across the fields. We heard about Judy being fined 5/- for Sabbath breaking when she sold a penny's worth of nuts to a young boy. This seemed very harsh considering most people at the time would be working a 6 day week and Sunday would be the only time they could come down to the gardens.
Saturday 9th July 2016 - Summer Tree Identification Walk
It was lovely to see some new faces for this interesting walk led by Stuart Tordoff. He explained clearly how much leaves vary even on the same tree, so identifying them by their summer foliage is not easy. We have records showing 33 different trees have been seen in our woods.
Our route took us round the perimeter of Low Wood with short diversions and then down to Judy Bridge. We got some extremely good tips how to decide if it is a pedunculate (English oak) or a sessile oak and to look for clues such as, are the leaves opposite to each other. We actually saw 27 different trees, most of the others on our species list are in Jagger Park Wood, so we saw almost all of them.
Downy birch left and silver birch on the right
Stuart working out what it is
Wednesday 15th June 2016 - Ramble - Mary's Walk and beyond.
Poor weather and holidays had an effect on the turnout but even the rotten weather couldn't spoil the enjoyment of the woods and good company. Stuart took us along the route of "Mary's Walk" (Our latest free walk booklet.) and on towards Woodside and back via Jagger Park Wood. We came across this scaffolding that had been erected where Tinker's Trail passes under the overhead powerlines
Saturday 21st May 2016 - Wild Flower Walk
Despite the very wet morning ten hardy souls turned up for the 2.00pm start (or 1.30pm, depending on which notice you read!) and were rewarded by an
improvement in the weather although muddy conditions kept us to the main
paths. Once again Alice Gingell was our leader and she not only guided us
to 67 species of plants and grasses in flower, 6 ferns and 17 species of
trees, but also gave us a botanical lesson in flower parts aided by a very
informative model which she had made for the occasion (see photo). The
bluebells were of course the highlight of the show but we also caught the
last few of the wood anemones and the distinctive aroma of ramsons, enhanced
by the earlier rain, left us in no doubt as to their presence.
Many thanks to Alice for giving up her time to instruct us again and to Sally who faithfully recorded our sightings.
Wednesday 27th 2016 - Ramble meeting up with the Practical Tasks Group
Sally led us on a gentle stroll through the woods and as it was a Wednesday morning, we kept coming across members of the Practical Task Group about their regular business.
Denis and his crew were busy preparing the area near Judy's Cottage to be sowed with wild flower seeds and the party stopped to admire the work so far.
A little further on we came across Alan and his crew who had completed a footpath upgrade at the beginning of the red marker trail. Much litter picking going on in the background too.
The walkers eventually wended their way to the Pear Tree at Norwood Green where we were joined by the members of PTG and we all enjoyed a hearty meal of Pie and Peas. Thanks to Danny and staff for putting this on.
Friday 15th April 2016 - Annual General Meeting
We had a good AGM followed by three members giving short presentations under the title "Building Bridges". Mary showed us the development of the bridge area using maps, old documents and photographs. Denis followed by updating us on the progress of the work in Judy's Field and Alan explained what the PTG hoped to achieve in the Scout Field plus a brief resume of their work over the past year. There's a lot going on and more to follow.
Sunday 16th January 2016 - Winter Trees Identification walk
It's the first time we've done a tree identification walk in winter and it was a great success.
Stuart is explaining how different tree species have different shaped canopies - but it was all over our heads!
Our happy walkers - which included Geoff who took the photograph.
Monday 28th December 2015 - Season's Greetings
Usual place - The Pear Tree Norwood Green
Dancing, mumming, eating, drinking, singing,
It says it all! 118 people joined the walk through the woods and listened politely as Mary explained about the missing ash tree at the bridge.
You don't half meet some funny people in the woods!'s members of Thieving Magpie doing the warm up for their dancing
The Mummers play this year was about Luddites - not sure what this bear had to do with it - but it appeared a lot.
Here's old Enoch - the hammer that is
..and here's mad King George
We had our usual carol sing in the Pear Tree afterwards and thank members of the West Yorkshire folk scene for supporting us and making it such an enjoyable event. Same place next year Tuesday 27th December 1pm but without the mud - we hope.
We thank Thieving Magpie and Bradshaw Mummers for taking up a collection to help the people of the Calder Valley caught up in the recent floods. £251 was raised. Thanks to all who contributed.
Saturday 24th October 2015 - Fungi Walk
Stuart Tordoff welcomed us and our panel of experts led by Varsha, Nicky and John from BEES helped to identify a wide range of specimens. We were also joined by foraging expert Andrew.
Wednesday 16th September: Ramble to Lightcliffe Tea Room
The weather forecast had been promising heavy rain and winds but it was a glorious day! We paused for a photo opportunity by Nord Green Nurseries before heading towards Bailiff Bridge and cutting through the fields to Lightcliffe Old Church and on to the tea rooms where we enjoyed refreshments. Local Historian John Brooke happened to be in the Tea Rooms and he gave us a brief history of the area and its families. It took a bit of persuading the party to continue on the ramble back through Norwood Green to Station Road. Thanks to Sally for a well thought out route.
Sunday 26th July 2015 - The Woods in Wartime - Mary's Walk
Despite the atrocious weather we had a good turn-out for the launch of our new walk leaflet. We assembled at Wyke Methodist Church where photographs were on display and 1940's music got us into the wartime mood. We then followed in the footsteps of 21 year old Mary Eastwood and found that in the intervening 73 years although some landmarks had changed a great deal, the woods still held a charm and peacefulness she would have recognised. If you would like to follow Mary's walk, pick up a your free copy of the 24 page leaflet from Wyke Library or Roy Waterhouse's bathroom showroom at BD12 8HT
Mary's daughter Wendy Faulkner is standing on the back row, behind the man holding the dog
Wednesday 24th June 2015 - Summer Ramble to Jacque Royd
Our ramblers pause on the lane from Jacque Royd to Norwood Green.
On the way through Jagger Park Wood this Sulphur Tuft was spotted.
Wednesday 27th May 2015 - Wild Flower Walk
A record attendance for this popular walk. Alice Gingell tutored us in the finer points of recognising ferns and grasses. She recorded fifty eight plants in flower, two new species for our woods and five species of ferns. Here's a holly flower from which the berries will develop later.
Saturday 27th December 2014 - Season's Greetings
We had snow, we had ice, we had water and of course we had MUD! but over around 75 folks joined us a on route past Greenroyd to Judy Bridge and up High Fernley Road to come back into the woods via the mineral line to enjoy spectacular views across Huddersfield and over to Coley.
Back at the Pear Tree even more people waited with hot soup for performances by Thieving Magpies and The Bradshaw Mummers
Tuesday 21st October 2014 - Autumn Ramble to the Seventeen Fields
Despite the horrendous weather forecast, people still planned to attend. In the end the sun came out and 7 of us went for a lovely walk. It did try to rain at one time, but in reality we didn't even get wet. We started from Station Road, into the woods to Judy Bridge and enjoyed the sunlight coming through the trees. Then out, up the field where Peter T used to sledge in his youth. Then South across the A58 next to the Garden Centre, down towards Bailiff Bridge and through the Memorial Gardens. We then went up towards Scholes across '17 Fields' and back by the Moravian Church Hall and other buildings in Lower Wyke. It was lovely to walk on paths that were new to most of us. SJL
Saturday 11th October 2014 Fungi Walk
Another very pleasant autumn day for our Fungi Walk led by Varsha Patel with help from Nicky Kirby. Someone commented near the beginning of the walk that there had been far more fungi to see in the preceding weeks, yet we managed to spot 33 which included nine new species for our Judy Woods list. Varsha and Nicky identified the specimens - the rest of us flicked through illustrations in books! Our "rare" Old Man of the Woods made his first appearance since 2007 although he was in a pretty sorry state. The first time we spotted him was the Fungi Walk of 2002.
Nicky Kirby
Varsha Patel with a Wood Wooly Foot fungus
Golden Scaly Cap
Friday 5th September - Bat Walk
It was a lovely evening for the bat walk on 5th September but, unfortunately, the bats weren't playing ball! We saw some Pipestrells shortly after entering the woods and in the area around Judy Bridge, the bat monitors which Ian provided picked up what may have been Noctule and Daubenton's bats but they managed to eluded us. The photo shows Ian with his bat monitor picking up the sound of the Pipestrells.
Saturday 2nd August - Summer Ramble
Alan Williams led the walk in a dry two hour interval between the rain showers. As the small group comprised exclusively of FOJW committee members, we diverted from the planned route several times and discussed possible future work for the PTG. It was an enjoyable and useful morning.
A recently felled tree at the bottom of the main steps by the bridge will be allowed to rot and provide a home for beetles and fungi like this nearby specimen.
Saturday 19th June 2014 - Archaeology Walk
In a long stretch of hot, sunny weather, we were very unfortunate to catch the one wet and muggy day for our walk, but it did not deter Denis' enthusiasm. Using Lidar Maps and results of his own surveys Denis explained current theories for the ground disturbances in the woods. Lots of questions were asked and excellent answers given. Thanks to those who came and braved the rain.
Saturday 21st June 2014 - Tree Identification Walk
You could have been mistaken in thinking there would be nothing but beech trees to spot in Judy Woods. But believe it or not in the course of the two hours walk we encountered twenty seven different species of trees ! These included a Swedish whitebeam only recently added to the list and on the walk itself we realised there were some large leaved lime trees on the banking overlooking Judy's Field. A big thank you to Stuart for all the work which must have been involved in tracking down all the individual specimens listed on our species list. The guelder rose evaded us - but there's always another day.
Yes, it's definitely a large leaved lime
Checking the underside to confirm it's a Swedish whitebeam
Wednesday 21st May 2014 - Spring Ramble
What more delightful occupation is there on a warm spring afternoon than taking a walk with good company in delightful surroundings? Our select group couldn't agree more as they pause just above the Wheel 'Oile in Norwood Green before climbing the hill to Wynteredge and Coley and returning via Shelf Woods and Kester Hole.
Brian strides ahead through a meadow of buttercups on a perfect spring afternoon.
The mast at Emley Moor stands out amid the blossom and wild flowers.
The Sister's House at Priestley Green is looking its best with wisteria, lilac and laburnum in full flower.
Saturday 17th May 2014 - Wild Flower Walk
This year's season of walks got off to a good start on a perfect summer's morning. The sun was out and the blue bells looked gorgeous as Alice Gingell led a dozen or so off to see a new species for our Judy Woods list.
The marsh stitchwort might not look too exciting but it's the first time we've spotted one in our woods.
On the same tree stump was a pink slime mould and this little frog who entertained us with his antics.
Another diminutive "little white job" clinging to the wall on High Fernley Road - the three veined sandwort,
We were thoroughly briefed on the five different ferns which could be found in the woods, but some of the party could only identify the hart's tongue (1) with any confidence. Never mind there's always next year!
Saturday 28th December 2013 - Season's Greetings
The theme of the walk this year was NEW things to look out for on the walk through the woods.
NEW old photos of Norwood Green Colliery
NEW QR code information posts
NEWLY fallen trees
NEW path improvementsAnd a whole batch of NEW mud to walk through
Around 130 people marvelled (or not) at the technology involved in the JAMES project QR codes. We were amazed at the destructive force of the fallen trees some of which had taken down robust metal fencing.
Back at the Pear Tree even more people joined in to watch Thieving Magpies strut their stuff and to wonder once more about the deep meaning of the Bradshaw Mummers Play. Soups, rolls and mulled wine accompanied the singing of carols which went on well into the afternoon. Thanks again to Yvonne and Tony of the Pear Tree for their hospitality. See you all next year - Saturday 27th December - same times, same place!
Saturday 18th October 2013 - Fungi Walk
A bumper season for fungi this year and a good crowd of interested folks of all ages. Varsha did some sterling work identifying specimens with and we appreciated help from Nicky too.
Varsha and Nicky check whether it's edible or not!
The inside of an earthball.
Wednesday 18th September 2013 - Autumn Ramble
Fourteen of us enjoyed a ramble through Low Wood, Norwood Green and across Lightcliffe Golf Course to a rather "grave" furthest point at old St Matthews church yard, Lightcliffe. The Friends of St Matthews Group should be congratulated on the work done so far in the yard. We dodged showers, horses and this sheep didn't look too pleased either.
Friday 6th September 2013
Sadly we had to cancel the Bat Walk as it was cold and had been raining heavily all day. Not good weather for bats to catch insects in.
Wednesday 17th June 2013 - Summer Ramble
At last some decent weather and what a scorcher for our walk to Jaque Royd, lead by Stuart. It turned into a very enjoyable nature ramble when he produced some tree spotting guides produced by the Woodland Trust. We saw another slime mold and lots of fungi on trees. A good sign for the fungi walk?
The assembled ramblers admire "my little pony"
Here's Brian and Sally trying to discover what sort of willow it is.
Wednesday 22nd May 2013 - Wild Flower Walk
Alice Gingell (in the hat) is really getting into her stride as our wild flower expert. We went around the perimeter of Low Wood and saw this .... on the wall in High Fearnley Road. We left the woods via the path through the fields to Norwood Green and added lots of species to our list on this new route for the wild flower walk.
Wednesday 15th May 2013 Spring Ramble
This was Sheila's first time as a FOJW walk leader and at least the weather managed to keep fine after a full morning's rain. The five of us had an enjoyable time and as you can see Sheila made a new friend.
Saturday 11th May 2013 - Practical Task Group Walk
The idea behind this walk, led by Alan Williams, was to show FoJW members and those from other Friends Groups in the city what our Practical Task Group has done in the woods. We wonder if you can spot the people from the PTG??
Thursday 18th April 2013 - AGM
After a short business meeting Alan gave us a splendid presentation on the work of the Practical Task Group - we were impressed we hadn't realised quite how much we had achieved !
Saturday 29th December 2012 - Seasons Greetings
The theme of the day was MUD!
It rained; it was muddy but still 65 people completed a bracing walk through Norwood Green, past the fruit farm and down Sowden Lane to Judy Bridge and back through Low Wood. There were no casualties, but some members of the Practical Task Group were a little late returning as they insisted on stopping to clear a choked drain !
This year's Bradshaw Mummers play was "St George" and although some of the audience seemed to know the words better than the performers - it still made as much sense as usual. Thieving Magpie have acquired a even more members and dancers had to queue up to perform supervised by a huge magpie wearing blades - yes honestly!
Saturday 6th October 2012 - Fungi Walk
We had perfect autumn afternoon for this year's Fungi walk led by our new expert Varsha Patel with encouragement and advice from "old hand" Joan Dobson.
In addition to dead man's fingers, witches butter and some slime moulds (urgh!) Finlay found a clay pipe in the stream. A delightful stroll with some good company.
Wednesday 19th September 2012- Autumn Ramble
Peter led the party through the delightful Seventeen Fields on the border of Lower Wyke and Scholes. We encountered a few short sharp showers, a few frisky horses and a whole herd of inquisitive cows (and a bull?)
Friday 7th September 2012 - Bat Walk
Considering what a dreadful summer we've had, the weather for the Bat Walk was perfect for a change! Around 30 adults and children enjoyed a presentation at the Woodside Community Centre by Ian Butterfield of the West Yorkshire Bat Group before venturing into the woods where the bats kept their part of the bargain and put on an impressive display.
Sunday 22nd July 2012, Archaeology Walk – A stroll to Judy's Gardens - part of The Festival of British Archaeology
Mary asked walkers to image that they were workers at the Low Moor Company Ironworks on their Sunday off and taking a stroll to the pleasure gardens down at Horse Close Bridge run by Judy North. On the way we studied old maps and photos and when we eventually reached the bridge Denis explained how a geophysical survey worked and what had been found to indicate where Judy cottage had been. The afternoon rounded off with sampling some of Judy's famous ginger bread and old fashioned spice (sweets) were handed round.
Wednesday 18th July 2012, Summer Mystery Ramble
It's a mystery no longer! Brian took us to his namesake Bryanscholes near Coley and we enjoyed a very scenic walk in lots of sunshine which has been sadly missing of late.
Monday 25th June 2012, Tree Walk
On a perfect summer evening we welcomed Bradford Council's Woodlands Manager, Bob Thorp, who gave us a very enjoyable and informative talk as we strolled round the woods looking at them from a forester's point of view. Most of us had walked past the felled tree by the side of the path from the kissing gate on Station Road and noticed how light it is there now. But none of us had looked up and seen how the adjacent oak tree had reacted by sprouting leaves along it's trunk.
Saturday 2nd June 2012, Friends of Judy Woods 'At Home'.
There was plenty to see and do down at the bridge as we launched our Picture Trail (see downloads section) and attacked the balsam.
Membership Secretary Linda showed people our vast collection of Edwardian postcards and explained the Picture Trail, while Sarah Partington was on hand to explain about the decline of bio-diversity in the UK and what we could do about it. With mum and dad Carol and John she got stuck in pulling balsam.
Wednesday 16th May 2012, Spring Ramble to Riding Hill and Jaque Royd.
A lovely Spring Day in the midst of some gloomy rain brought out the walkers - and their dogs!
Wednesday 2nd May 2012
As wild flower walks go, this year's will be remembered for the fungi! The incessant rain has put the blue bells back a few weeks and although there were swathes of them to be seen a bit of sun will improve the display. We saw a lot of white flowers - much to the glee of Alice, our new flower walk leader - who took delight in naming each one as they were spotted to the amazement of some of us who couldn't tell then difference between them. At the top of the steps down to Judy Bridge Stuart pointed out a slime mold fungus on the rotting log. It was dayglow yellow, a collection of bacteria and had moved over three feet since he first noticed it last Friday. Where will it get to next?
Thursday 18th April 2012 AGM
At the AGM our Officers were elected
Chairman - Stuart Tordoff
Vice Chairman - Geoff Twentyman
Secretary - Denis Waudby
Minute Secretary - Linda Paul
Membership Secretary - Linda Paul
Treasurer - Mary Twentyman
plus committee members
We had a birthday piece of parkin complete with candles (in honour or Judy) and the meeting was followed by a presentation "Past, Present and Future" looking back on how the group started and forward to what we hoped to do in the future.
Sunday 18th March 2012 - Geology Walk
The first of this year's walks and a beautiful, if cool, spring day to explore one of the lesser visited parts of the woods off Manorley Lane. We saw the sandstone ridges far in the distance and in the stream the ripple effects of water action on the sandstone deposits. With the help of a spade Pat uncovered some coal - but only the lousy deposits! (This is the name for the poor quality coal near the surface)
Tuesday 27th December 2011 - Seasons Greetings
No complaints about the weather this year - but the MUD!!
We counted 183 people over the stile into Doctor Wood at the beginning of the walk and there were lots more people back at the Pear Tree who preferred to take things at a more leisurely pace.
The Thieving Magpies get better each year and the Bradshaw Mummers might get better one year. (We're only joking)
This year's tale involved the crown heads of Europe, a dog what got shot, the Rock of Gibraltar and the hero was John Bull - who looked as though he was expecting - trouble?
The singing inside afterwards was quite outstanding - the Mummers rendition of 'Hail Smiling Morn' is fast becoming a classic.
Let's do it all again next year, but remember it will be on SATURDAY December 29th.
John Bull Defiant
Franco-British relations explained
Happy walkers en route
Thieving Magpies discuss who pays the bar bill.
Accordionist tries to appease various factions.
The Rock of Gibralter is moved to Norwood.
Sunday 18th December 2011
East Pennine Orienteering Club held an event in Judy Woods which gave the opportunity to learn how to navigate using a compass and so find out where you are in the depths of the woods.
This the start just off Station Road.....
...and FOJW committee member Sheila with organiser Alistair at the finish
Saturday 8th October 2011 - Fungi Walk
The weather may have been awful, but the company was good and the fungi plentiful
Wednesday 21st September 2011 - Autumn Ramble
A record attendance for this enjoyable stroll to sample the delights of the Kester Hole waterfall in Shelf woods. We crept up on it by a circuitous route and saw it from the same angle as this Edwardian postcard.
Friday 2nd September 2011 - Bat Walk
It was standing room only in Woodside Community Centre for the slide show before the walk set off. Ian led around 40 people aged from 5 to 70+ into the woods as dusk descended. There was more activity than usual and the bat detectors were kept busy. We saw noctule, pipistrelle and daubenton bats.
Sunday 31st July 2011 - Archaeology Walk
Around forty people turned up when Denis Waudby led a walk as part of the Festival of British Archaeology. We followed the mineral line through Low Wood and looked at various pits and other remains.
See Christine Johnson's excellent photos on Geograph
Wednesday 20th July 2011 - Summer Ramble to Riding Hill via Jagger Park Wood
A select group for this ramble. We were lucky with the weather which stayed fine whilst much of Yorkshire had rain for much of the day.
Wednesday 18th May 2011 - Spring Walk
A lovely walk through the woods and on to Norwood Green and Shelf before coming back down Snoddy Mountain. A happy group enjoying the fine weather unaware that it's going to be more than the five miles Brian promised us!
Friday 6th May 2011 - Wild Flower Walk
A record turnout and this year we saw bluebells in their full glory. We were concerned that the due to the drought many beech flowers had been shed which means there will be less beech nuts this year. Other trees were also showing signs of stress due to the lack of rain. A pair of woodpeckers confirmed that it was possible to squeeze into the the hole high in a tree - a delightful end to good walk.
Sunday 10th April 2011 - 'Under the Norwood Greenwood Tree'
Mary in full flow
Teaching of the multitude
On a hot Sunday, fifty people and the obligatory dog could be found in the woods learning all about the history of Judy Woods
Sunday 27th March 2011 - Geology Walk
Patrick Taylor led a party of eighteen along Royds Hall Beck, looking at the beds of sandstone, coal and mudstones. We were surprised to find that a substantial piece of rock had detached itself from the side of the beck by the small waterfall. Geology in action!
A chip off the old block
Monday 27th December 2010 - Seasons Greetings
Although it was a bit dodgy underfoot the woods looked beautiful in their white covering of snow.
Around 60 people and the occupants of a three seater pram followed part of the new marker path through Royds Hall Great Wood,
and many more waited for us to get back in the warmth of the pub.
Back at the Pear Tree pub in Norwood Green the Thieving Magpies Morris Team delighted the assembled crowd and excelled themselves yet again.
The Bradshaw Mummers were on form too - a compelling tale of the Seasons of the Year and what can befall poor Jack Frost if he meets up with the Green Man.
The crowd retired inside to partake of mulled wine and soup and many carols were sung and much ale drunk. See you all again next year!
Unexpected event - Dragging the Pram.
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The Green Man in full flow
An icy stream in slow flow.
Mini-magpie looks and learns...
Eight Magpies morrising
Jack Frost lies dead, Bless!
Saturday 9th October 2010 - Fungi Walk
Another popular Fungi Walk attracted people of all ages - and stumped us too - on several occasions!
We now know the example oppsite is Helvella lacunosa, Elfin Saddle
Wednesday 1st September 2010 - Autumn Ramble to Riding Hill and Jaque Royd
At last we had some lovely weather and what better way to spend the afternoon than checking that our new marker posts do indeed lead one safely through Royds Hall Great Wood. Then on through Jagger Park Wood to Jaque Royd and Norwood Green via a newly reinstated footpath past Ox Heys.
Friday 30th July 2010 - Bat Walk
Woodside Village Centre was booked and the equipment set up for the pre-walk presentation but outside it was throwing it down! So we were amazed when sixteen children and adults turned up. Ian Butterfield gave us an informative introduction to bats in general and those which we might see in Judy Woods in particular.
The rain had eased off, so we went into the woods via the new Tinker's Trail, but not expecting to see much.
Ian was amazed when we saw noctule bats emerge from a roost in a dead tree - the first time he'd witnessed this. Later on pipistrelle bats came from the same tree and gave us a splendid display. As we trudged out of the woods we had to dodge toads crossing the path. An unpromising evening turned into an unexpected treat .
Batkids in training
"Ian was amazed.."
Wednesday 7th July 2010 - Walk to Lower Wyke
We never worked out what this structure was near the rec' at Bailiffe Bridge was!
Wednesday 5th May 2010 - Spring Ramble to Wynteredge
Six men, five women and three dogs enjoyed a springtime saunter to Wynteredge Hall and back.
Monday 3rd May 2010 - Bugs, Birds and Botany
The event took place on a very cold May Day, but enough sun kept coming through to warm us up as we watched the antics of Yan and Ann and some of their friends, including Mr Punch and his wife Judy. I hope our Judy and her husband got on better than they did!
Ian Butterfield of Bradford Environmental Action Trust took care of finding the BUGS. Suck on the green straw of a pooter and the insect lands in the jar - not everyone was convinced that this worked!
Brian and Sue had the messy task of showing people how to make BIRD feeding cakes.
Joan Dobson of the Bradford BOTANY Group had her work cut out as the bluebells haven't appeared in all their glory yet.
New FoJW Chairman Stuart Tordoff eventually mastered the art of constructing bird and bat boxes with assistance from John and Denis.
All in all a very enjoyable occasion to help celebrate the completion of our new Tinker's Trail path.
Yan & Ann lead the entertainment
Well, they enjoyed it!
Stuart, the apprentice bird box builder
Joan tries to coax up the bluebells
Bird feeding cake production line
Mr Punch shows off
Ian explains the techniques of "Bugsucking"
Centipede wrangling made easy
Saturday 17th April 2010 - Geology Walk
A perfect afternoon for a walk in the woods and yes, it was the Geology Walk not a knitting seminar! Alison Quarterman, of West Yorkshire Geology Trust explained how the different rocks had been laid down over millions of years with the use of this length of knitting.
Each colour represented a different "age" only the last few centimetres represented the period when there had been life on earth.
We explored the stream bed, waterfall and small quarry by the sheep pool and were also treated to an explanation of the eruption of the volcano Eyjafjallajokull whose dust clouds were currently bringing the airports of Britain to a standstill.
A leaflet about the local geology is avaiable on the Downloads Page.
Monday 28th December 2009 - Seasons Greetings Walk
The sun shone for this event for the first time in quite a while and as usual it attracted lots of people. The icy conditions underfoot meant that we had to do a shorter walk than usual, but 116 children and adults enjoyed the winter sunshine and just getting out in the fresh air.
The Bradshaw Mummers entertained us energetically once again with "Robin Hood" but the finer points of the plot were lost on most of us - including the cast! A splendid Thespian event.
The Thieving Magpies Morris Team topped and tailed the mummers performance. They get better each year and seem to multiply in numbers.
The event was rounded off with refreshments in the Pear Tree and singing by the assembled folkies. Our thanks go to Tony and Yvonne and their staff for coping admirably with the crowds.
Thanks to all who support us year by year and make this THE event of the year.
10th October 2009 - Fungus Foray
Joan Dobson led twenty three people on our fungi walk. Thirty three species were spotted, including a new one for Judy Woods;
Brittle Cinder (Kretzschmaria deusta).
The treasurer of Friends of Judy Woods, Mary, meets Judy Woods all the way from
Victoria, Australia.
Judy was over here on a visit with husband Barry and came to see the woods that carry her name.
Pleased to meet you Judy!
2nd Sept 2009 - Autumn Ramble
A small but select band were led around the woodland perimeter by Peter Walker.
4th August 2009 - Archaeology Walk
Denis explains about the mining in the woods. Some of it dates back to the late 1700s, during the time of Edward Rookes Leeds.
Later there was full scale mining of the area by the Low Moor Company in the 1800s.
24th July 2009 - Bat Walk
A good walk which got off to great start with a slide show at Norwood
Green Community Hall by Ian Butterfield of the West Yorkshire Bat Group.
We knew which bats to expect and armed with bat detectors we sallied
forth. One exhibitionist bat entertained us for a long period but others
were much shyer. It was too dark for photos!
1st July 2009 - Summer Ramble
Our summer ramble to Lightcliffe old church and back took place on a very hot day. Here you can see thirteen walkers and Nellie the dog, resting in the shade before striding out to Lightcliffe Church and almost inevitably, The Sun Inn!
21st May 2009 - Spring Flowers Walk
Once again ably led by Joan Dobson of Bradford Urban Wildlife Group and Bradford Botany Group. We caught the tail end of the blue bell season and found wood mellick and wood anemones – both indicators of ancient woodland.
6th May 2009 - Spring Ramble
Spring Ramble to Wynteredge and back Starting from Judy Woods we went via Norwood Green and Priestley Green to Wynteredge Hall for spectacular views of the surrounding area. We returned via Coley, and of, course Judy Woods.
25th April 2009 - Geology Walk
Our walk this year was led by Patrick Taylor, one of the Friends of Judy
Woods. Pat has a gift for explaining in simple language the complexities
of our planet’s past. We even managed to find a band of coal near the
stream – but it was very narrow. Not enough for a good blaze.
Ancient wave marks
Searching for evidence in the stream
12th March 2009 - AGM
Formalities were kept to a minimum and following the AGM there was a presentation on Ancient Woodland by Ian Butterfield (left) of the Forest of Bradford and Bradford Environmental Trust.
22nd December 2008 - Seasons Greetings
More than 130 people joined our walk through the woods and even more
watched the dance display by Magpie Morris and The Bradshaw Mummers and
joined in the singaround in the Pear Tree afterwards (right)
4th October 2008 - Fungi Foray
Joan Dobson led another successful walk and three species of fungi not spotted in Judy Woods
before were noted.
Joan Dobson examines a log in Royds Hall Great Wood with a fine
specimen of crampballs (daldinia concentrica) on it.
5th September 2008 - Bat Walk
Due to the dreadful weather the Bat Walk was cancelled. There will be another one in our 2009
12th July 2008 - Woodland Celebration Day
This was cancelled
due to a clash of dates. FoJW attended Harold Park Gala instead.
2nd July 2008 - Summer Ramble
A fine day in the
middle of some showery weather made for a splendid ramble through the fields to
the old house of Wynteredge near Coley and back again. Opposite you can see the group at Norwood Green.
20 May 2008 - Wildflower Walk
Once again our
expert Joan Dobson helped with identification of flowers large and small.
7th May 2008 - Spring Ramble
A lovely sunny day for our walk to the Kester Hole waterfall.
Most people had no idea there was such a delightful place located in the woods, which can be found just below Berry Bottoms and Dean House Farm,
on the path leading into Sun Wood, Shelf.
5th May 2008 - Meet Judy Woods walk
Look who we met at her old
haunt - Judy North herself. She even had refreshments ready for us.
20th April 2008 - Geology Walk
Led by Alison Quarterman and Pat Taylor.
Despite the bad weather 12 hardy souls turned up. In the photograph you can see the group examining coal found in the beck.
11th March 2008 - AGM
“Judy Woods This is Your life…”
Unfortunately we didn't have Michael Aspel to present it but we hope members were delighted by the guests and anecdotes relating to the Woods,
as they were reminded of the events and people who have played a big part in the life of the woods over the past hundreds (and thousands?) of years.
A time machine was necessary for transporting some of our guests to the event!
29th December 2007 - Season's Greetings
Mary Twentyman led about seventy brave souls through horrendous weather
on a walk in the woods. They then returned for refreshments at the Pear
Tree Inn and for the annual performance from the Bradshaw Mummers. Their
play this year involved a Roman Legionary, King Caractacus and an elephant!
Theiving Magpies sweeping the floor.
Mary starts the walk.
6th October 2007 - Fungi Foray
Seventeen people joined local expert, Joan Dobson, for this walk in the woods.
A very enjoyable and knowledgeable walk was had by all.
In the photo Joan shows a Shaggy Ink Cap.
18th September 2007 - The Friends of Judy Woods AGM
Thanks to all the members (about forty) who came along to the AGM. The
committee gained three new members, which is fantastic news. Mary
Twentyman finished off the evening with another of her entertaining and
interesting shows - this time concerning the old postcards showing the
Right shows High Fearnley Road in 1910 with Old Hanna Wood to the left, Low Wood to the right. If only the road surface was so good nowadays!
September 2007 - Woodland Ramble
Geoff & Mary Twentyman led a small group on an adventurous and enjoyable
walk through the woods. Fallen trees proved no obstacle but we would
appreciate them moving from where they block the path.
4th September 2007 - Bats!
Ian Butterfield (Forest of Bradford and West Yorkshire Bat Group) led a group of
forty on a walk through the woods, where it's bat population put on one of the
best displays that our bat walks have seen.
25th July 2007 - Woodland Tale
The Treehouse Storytellers led a lovely walk in the woods - tales were told and story sticks were made.
21st July 2007 - A Day at the Beech with The Green Man
The weather was
wet and so not many people (about 70) joined us for this event which had
entertainment from a Green Man, face painting, refreshments, stalls and more to enjoy.
Thanks to those that did make it out into the woods!
Melissa Johnson painted as a ladybird.
The Green Man in Judy Woods
photo: Diane Charlton
4th July 2007 - Woodland Ramble
Eight people joined Brian Ellison on this walk in the woods, which unfortunately due to the
poor weather was cut short.
22nd May 2007 - Wildflowers
Joan Dobson led a group of about twenty people on this enjoyable and informative walk in the woods looking at ferns, flowers and grasses.
Joan Dobson showing
Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus repens
Wood Mellick Melica uniflora
Greater Stitchwort Stellaria holostea
2nd May 2007 - Woodland Ramble
Peter Walker led this walk, which
started from the Station Road entrance. Eight people joined Peter (see pic
below) for a lovely walk admiring the wealth of wildlife in the woods, including
fine displays of bluebells and other wild flowers.
Missing events? Can you think of any other
events that you would like to attend in Judy Woods? If the answer is yes, then please let us know - see the 'Contacts' page.