To help
conserve Judy Woods for the quiet enjoyment of the public, and for the plants
and animals that live there.
To mobilise, foster and maintain the public’s interest in the woods and in the work
of the Friends, so as to increase people’s understanding and appreciation of the
ecological, cultural and historical importance of this woodland.
To act as a channel of communication between the landowners, residents, local groups
and other stakeholders so that Judy Woods has a voice when decisions are made.
The Friends of Judy Woods were formed in March 2002. There is a committee, which
consists of local residents, members of local interest groups and
representatives from Bradford Metropolitan
District Council and The Forest of Bradford, part of BEAT (Bradford Environmental Action Trust). The committee meets every month to
discuss current and future issues and plan events. Meetings are currently
held at the Bowling Pavilion in Wyke Park. The designated roles of
committee members are as follows:
Chair - Geoff Twentyman; Deputy Chair - Denis Waudby; Secretary - Mary Twentyman ; Minute and Membership Secretary - Linda Paul; Treasurer -Stuart Tordoff
Friends of Judy Woods constitution can be viewed here: - Constitution -
From 2012 Membership of the Friends of Judy Woods costs £2.00 a year (which runs from January to
December). Members are then able to vote at the AGM. As a member you will be added to a database, so that the group can
send you information about events and other news. At present, there are nearly 150 members of the Friends of Judy Woods. Thanks for all your support. Should you wish to become a member, you can find the form on the 'Downloads' page.
The events are mainly led by volunteers from the group,
who have enthusiasm and expertise, which they are keen to share with other
The group has been successful with lots of grant applications, including Local Heritage Initiative and Community Spaces from the Lottery and more modest grants from Grass Roots Funding, Bradford South Community Chest, Bradford Vision, The Yorkshire Building Society, The Co-op, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. N Power Conservation Award and Environment Partnership funding.
Please see Projects and Roots of Judy Woods pages for further information