
The Friends of Judy Woods are keen to encourage the educational use of Judy Woods by local groups and schools.

Forest Schools in Judy Woods

While walking through the woods you may have seen groups of children dressed in wellington boots, red puddle suits and yellow tabards, with two teachers. Did you wonder what they were doing? Well they come from local childrens’ centres at Wyke and Little Horton. The teachers there are training to be qualified Forest School teachers.
Forest Schools is an idea that has come from Scandinavia. In those countries all primary school children regularly spend time outside in the forests doing various activities, similar to scouting. This helps to develop children’s physical skills, social skills, confidence and appreciation of nature. It was found that this then went on to improve their academic achievements. Forest Schools started being introduced to Britain in the 1990s and they have spread to many parts of the country, particularly in Wales. Now it is Bradford’s turn and a group of us started training last February. We are taking the Level 3 Award, which will qualify us to run a Forest School at our childrens’ centres.
At the moment groups of children come for a course of six sessions at a time. Some of the children have not had much experience of this environment before and are not quite sure they like it to begin with, but over time they gain confidence and enjoy getting close to nature. Some of the children are frightened of dogs and have to be taught how to act around them, so if you see a group of children stood with their arms crossed and looking up at the sky this is why! We come whatever the weather, except in high winds, and in all seasons. Next time you see us please say hello, though if you have a dog please keep on walking too! Pam Beck

Forest School     Forest School

Tree Planting:

In March 2008, classes from seven local primary schools planted about 1500 trees in Judy Woods. If our calculations are right, we have planted about 10,000 trees since the Friends group was formed.

Kids planting
Lucy and Elizabeth
Brian demonstrates
planting a tree.
Pat with Olivia and Jack. Lucy and Elizabeth.

In February and March 2007, six local primary schools (Hill Top, Woodlands, Shirley Manor, Worthinghead, High Fernley and Low Moor) have planted nearly 1000 saplings (a mix of holly, field maple and oak) in Judy Woods. All the children were encouraged to come back and watch their tree grow. Each child was awarded with 'The Friends of Judy Woods' badges for their hard work.
Low Moor
Joseph & Matthew
Woodlands Primary
Chelsea & Miss Wilson
Shirley Manor Primary
Holly, Holly & Janine (CIBA)
Low Moor Primary
Hill Top
Rhes & Lewis with Brian
Worthinghead Primary
Worthinghead Primary with FoJW & CIBA Katy & Anna of Hill Top Primary
with Mary of FoJW

Local primary schools have received an educational CD-rom relating to Judy Woods (linked to the National Curriculum), which has been funded as part of the Roots of Judy Woods project.

68th Bradford South St. Marys, Wyke Scout Group: 14th Sept 2005:

The Friends of Judy Woods went to collect about twenty five oak saplings from this scout group, which they had grown from seed. The scout group were presented with a certificate, badges and copies of the latest newsletter. The scouts hope to grow more.

Wyke Scouts
Wyke Scouts
Peter Walker (Chair, FoJW) presents a thanks to
Hazel Chadwick from the scout group
The 68th Bradford South Scouts with their
saplings certificate

The Scouts then came in the woods on the 5th February 2006, to plant the oak saplings that they had grown. They also planted some other saplings and cleared some beech regeneration. This work helped increase the biodiversity in the woods and has been done with agreement from the Bradford Council's Parks and Landscapes Service, who manage the woods (below).


Wyke Scouts with Jason Kerry from Royds (centre of back row)

Wibsey Scouts:

This group cleared some small beech and planted a mix of holly, oak and hazel at the start of March 2006.

Wibsey Scouts
Wibsey Scouts
Andrew Elphee plants a tree Wibsey scouts, job done!

Tree Planting: winter 2004-5

Thousands of tree were planted by businesses, groups and schools with the help of Royds Neighbourhood Environmental Action Worker, Jason Kerry.

Staff from CIBA Jason with Daniel from Woodside School

Community Schools clean-up: June 2003

Two local schools were involved in this clean up – High Fernley and Woodside Primary Schools. The kids also enjoyed a game of ‘Bat and Moth’, which illustrates how bats track down food by the use of echo location. The event was kindly funded by Bradford South Community Chest.

Please contact our Education Officer via if your group or school is interested in environmental educational activities and opportunities.

Many schools are now using the woods as part of the Forest Schools initiative.  We would like to be kept informed if you intend to use Judy Woods and we can let you have supplies of our  "I'm a Friend of Judy Woods" badges.

We also have an Education Pack which was produced in conjunction with our Roots of Judy Woods project. This is available on the 'Downloads' page